Nothing Beets Homegrown Food

We are living in a time that is uncertain and we may have heard this many times from the older generations in our circle. Each generation had their own apocalyptic scares to deal with. But one thing for certain is that we all have to be prepared regardless of the situation. We need to purchase from our local farmers (even homesteaders), and taking the time to learn how to grow our own food. If you live in an apartment, you can still grow your fruits and vegetables. Also, if you have a backyard with no restrictions, get some hens (you don’t need a rooster for hens to lay eggs, unless you want to hatch chicks). If your community has a HOA, find out what you are allowed to do and if you can have some chickens.

There are a ton of options to gardening as well if you don’t want to dig holes in the ground. You can have raised beds, a hydroponic garden (check out the ones I sell Tower Garden). I prepared my seedlings and in just three days they sprouted. Within a week of them sprouting, you can place them in the tower and they will be ready to be harvested between 3-4 weeks and they will continue to grow throughout the seasons (you just have to make sure the PH levels are good).

There are a ton of videos on how to grow fruits and vegetables on YouTube. If you can be on social media all day, scrolling up and down and seeing the same thing over and over again, you might as well take the time and learn something. Plus, when you learn to grow your fruits and vegetables, you can learn how to can your food. I watch Doug and Stacy on YouTube and I just love listening and learning from this couple (you will not regret watching their videos).

Buy seeds NOW! There will be a point where people will “wake up” and there will be a shortage on it. I went to Home Depot earlier in the day and there was a lot of people in the outdoor section and people looking at seeds. The price of food is one thing, but you will save so much money in the long run if you grow your own. And when you grow fruits and vegetables, make sure you grow things you use! One of the biggest mistakes I made is growing things I don’t eat (I was overly excited!). Be excited, but grow things you will actually eat and use in your cooking and baking.

Buy books on holistic medicine, homesteading, or anything you want to learn. Also, make sure to have band-aids, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, needles, thread, old clothes that you can turn into tourniquets, etc. While we all have access to the internet, make sure to use it to learn something and there’s just so many videos to choose from. All of this information can be found for free and it’s at the tip of your fingers. Also, think about how you can become the store as Doug from YouTube (@OFFGRIDwithDOUGSTACY) said in his video “Amish WARNING about Chickens and eggs!”. If you own chickens or want to own chickens, watch that video and there are a ton of videos on how to make your own chicken feed. My chickens were not laying eggs for months and I switched my chicken feed to a local farmers (Henley Farms in Palmyra, TN) and the feed made my chickens lay eggs again. Avoid Tractor Supply and local chain stores, go to your local feed stores that make their feed from scratch or make your own with Doug and Stacy’s recipe in their video “Chicken Feed Facts And Secrets”.

As one can utilize chickens for egg laying, you can even raise them as meat birds. There are a ton of videos explaining which chickens are best for meat and the same can be found for other animals. And if you don’t have a homestead, you can google local farms near you and find local shops that grow their own food. We have to learn to be self-sufficient and the first step is taking action. We all have to start somewhere and the easiest thing to do is to watch some YouTube videos and get started. There are a ton of Facebook groups that are about self-sufficiency and there could possibly be a community in your area. You will learn so much by joining these groups and if you have been doing it for a while and want to learn more, check those groups out and help other people as well when you get the hang of things. The internet has never ending information and lets not forget about getting access to books (buy them, borrow them at the library and print what you need, etc.).

I hope this blog was helpful for what’s to come and if you have any tips to share, please comment below so others can learn as well.


Spring Into Action


Nothing Happens Unless You Take Action