Is a Juicer Worth It?
Let me answer the question and say, YES!
It looks like I’m on fire because I added three new recipes to the site. If you have a juicer, you are going to love the news that I have juicing recipes and will be adding more. A lot of people want to have a healthier lifestyle and are eating less sweets. As I share these recipes, I know that I’m helping a lot of people in their health journey and I’m doing my best to add the health benefits of the juices as well. We have to educate ourselves in what is healthy and minimize or even eliminate processed foods and unhealthy drinks completely.
I plan to add healthy meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and the not so healthy ones (Saturday is our cheat day). At the same time, the meals that I will be adding will be great for any occasion and all skill levels. Food is a science and it’s an art, but most importantly; its delicious! If there is something you will like to see on the site, send me a message in the contact us link. I love reading everyone’s emails and I’m slowly getting this site where it needs to be.
Overall, I’m happy with the direction that Love Barrel is going and I will eventually bake again. There’s just a lot going on in the world and even though some things are uncertain, we have to stay positive. If you have a backyard or live on a few acres, start your garden. Even if some of you live in apartments, you can still grow some vegetables. I’m partnered with JuicePlus+ and we have a hydroponic garden that you can utilize to grow fruits and vegetables, indoors and outdoors. Check out the site to purchase your very own Tower Garden.
It’s cost-effective, no chemicals, you know where your food comes from, and you will feel good knowing you have fruits and vegetables growing all season long! If you have any questions, please send me an email at I will be more than happy to help you or anyone you know that may be interested.