Knock, knock ‘23

I’m excited for the New Year and there’s no “New Year, new me” talk over here. The gyms are going to make money off of people who say they want to work out and go on to be absent after a few days or weeks. And lets be real, there’s no such thing as a diet when it comes to weight loss. Everything we decide to do is a LIFESTYLE. My blogs are basically about my family life and baking. But, health is a topic we should read and talk about with others. Mental health is also important and I always say that we need to take care of ourselves and before I continue to rant, I just want to say that you are loved, you are important, you are enough, and you are worthy. The foundation of my blog is God and love.

When I created this website, I was thinking about what I will do with it. I kept thinking about my goals for Love Barrel and I decided to add a blog and post some recipes because I enjoy writing and I love baking. And I’m sure that a lot of people enjoy doing the same and at the same time I want to connect with everyone who reads my blogs and who try out the recipes. I don’t make money off of my site, but only if the products I share from Amazon are purchased by utilizing the links on the blogs and recipes one reads. A lot is happening in the world, but being able to share what I love is a couple of sprinkles to help bring peace to the individuals who are on the site and appreciate what I do. There’s a lot of people who provide the same services from blogging to baking and many other career fields, but the most important thing is the quality of service and what makes you different than everyone else. I’m sure that if you got to this point of the blog that you and I are connecting and one of my advices is to not compare yourself to others. You are an individual with your own talents and just because someone else is doing the same thing as you or even similar, it doesn’t matter. We all have our own journeys and paths to take and whichever route you take, make the best of it.

Success means different things for every individual. To some, success is having a profitable business and some believe success is having a family or a house. What does success mean to you and how will you achieve it? For this new year, buy a notebook and open it to the first blank page and write the word “SMART” at the top. Under the word “SMART”, write;


What does it all mean? This notebook is for your goals. Always have it on hand with a pen or pencil and write your goals and review it from time to time. As accountants track the money, you are keeping track of your goals. Whether the goals are short-term or long-term, you have to write it down on paper and look at your progress from January to December. If you lack motivation, this is going to help you stay motivated. I’m a believer that whatever you write will manifest, but you have to put in the work. I promise you that you will feel accomplished and will accomplish your goals. I want you to come back to this blog post at the end of every year in December and tell me about your experience and the progress you have made. I care and even if I don’t know you, I’m one of your supporters! I believe in you and I’m proud of you. Just know that none of us are alone in the journey to leveling up our life. You just got brownie points for reading this blog and this is about taking action and changing your life for the better.

On January 1st, go on and make yourself a vision board. Follow the acronym “SMART” and keep your goals to yourself. Put in the work and watch and feel how your life will change 3 to 6 months from now. A lot will happen in such a short time, due to productivity. Share this blog with family and friend(s) because the same way you want to level up, maybe they want to level up too. One of the keys to success is sacrifice and just a heads up, the beginning of the journey is a cleanse. You will begin to see who continues to stand with you and you will experience your world shaking up because you are creating space for new opportunities and relationships. Want me to continue with these gems? If yes, comment below and I will continue writing these motivational posts that do work. Success is a mindset and by reading this blog to the very end, you just proved to yourself that you want to change your life. Do yourself a favor and imagine the person you want to become. Now that you have visualized the leveled up version of yourself, start taking care of yourself, and value yourself.




Thankful with a cup of cheer?